The Hat and the Tum Tum Tree

Adapted from Georgie Adams

Written on . Posted in Basic Reading.

Times viewed: 5526

Tagged with: Basic Reading, Age 13-17, Age 6-12

One day Mr. Bear is walking outside in the park. Suddenly the wind blows his nice new hat to the top of the Tum Tum tree.

“Oh, brother!” says Mr. Bear.

Just then Stripy Tiger comes along and, seeing Mr. Bear in trouble, he offers help. “If I stand on you,” said Stripy Tiger, “I can reach your hat at the top of the tree.”

So Stripy Tiger stands on Mr. Bear, but he cannot reach the hat.

Soon Hee Haw Donkey comes along and, seeing his two friends in trouble, he offers to help.

So Hee Haw Donkey stands on Stripy Tiger, and Stripy Tiger stands on Mr. Bear, but he cannot reach the hat.

After that Humpy Camel comes by the Tum Tum tree and, seeing the difficulty his three friends are having, he offers to help.

So Humpy Camel stands on Hee Haw Donkey, Hee Haw Donkey stands on Stripy Tiger and Stripy Tiger stands on Mr. Bear. They try as hard as they can, but they CANNOT reach the hat.

Now at that very moment Giraffe With a Scarf comes along and, seeing Mr. Bear’s nice new hat at the top of the Tum Tum tree, he offers to help.

But Giraffe With a Scarf doesn’t have to stand on anybody. He reaches up with his long, long neck to the top of the Tum Tum tree and gets Mr. Bear’s hat down… all by himself!

“Thank you!” says Mr. Bear. Then Giraffe With a Scarf, Humpy Camel, Hee Haw Donkey, Stripy Tiger and Mr. Bear all go home.

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| Taura Shaw | Basic Reading
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