Sociolinguistics takes such issues as language rights and language and nationalism into great consideration. Since there are different varieties of the same language within a country, people tend to favor one (usually standard) variety over the others.
Informative conversation with K. David Harrison, assistant professor of linguistics at Swarthmore College near Philadelphia and the author of the new book "When Languages Die: The Extinction of the World's Languages and the Erosion of Human Knowledge".
From Lippi-Green’s point of view, standard language ideology is a ‘bias toward an abstracted, idealized, non-varying spoken language that is imposed and maintained by dominant institutions’.
Principle of linguistic inferiority refers to the tendency of speakers of the socially dominant group in a society to interpret speech of a subordinate group as linguistically inferior to that of their own.
In 1998 referendum, voters in California passed Proposition 227 that eliminated bilingual education in California. ESL students were limited to one year to learn English through 'sheltered English immersion' programs.
The application of sociolinguistics to educational problems is absolutely essential as it can help us better understand the relationships between languages and schools, and help make necessary improvements in education through the development of a curriculum...