From Lippi-Green’s point of view, standard language ideology is a ‘bias toward an abstracted, idealized, non-varying spoken language that is imposed and maintained by dominant institutions’.
The author points out that such thing as a homogenous language or national standard is impossible since everyone speaks one dialect or the other. However, it became a reason for limiting access to discourse and discrimination.
Such social institutions as school, the media, the courts, corporate sector and others promote standard language ideology in the USA.
The author claims that many speakers of non-mainstream dialects who approve of the standard language ideology find themselves in the adverse party to their true interests and identities.
Lippi-Green, R. (2006) Language Ideology and Language Prejudice. In E. Finegan & J.R. Rickford (Eds.), Language in the USA (pp. 289-304). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.