Category: Language Variation

Individual vs. Societal Multilingualism

Individual multilingualism refers to the ability of an individual person to use more than two languages fluently. Societal multilingualism is linguistic diversity that...

Dr. B. Johnstone's lecture on Pittsburghese

Learn how "Pittsburghese" (dialect) has come to be such a strong symbol of Pittsburgh's identity.

Computer Mediated Communication

Development of computer technology lead to creating of ‘a new site for discourse’, characteristics of which have not been conventionalized yet. CMC has discourse patte...

What is Sociolinguistics?

The field of sociolinguistics is a relatively young but rather important branch of linguistics. It studies language in its social context, and analyzes the actual lang...

Vernacular vs. Standard

Eckert (chapter 19) defines vernacular as the language that is the most closely associated with locally-based communities. The standard is the language that is used in...

Multilingualism in the USA

The USA has great linguistic resources; however, they have always been ignored or even destroyed. The USA is predominantly a monolingual English-speaking country.The m...

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