Names A to Z

Written on . Posted in First Day of Class Games.

Times viewed: 1044

Language Practice: introductions, asking questions, alphabet

Language Level: Basic, Low-Intermediate

Age group: 6-20

Time: 15 minutes

This activity is good for introductions and for practicing the alphabet. It is good for a new group of students and for the class where you have just a few new students or a new teacher.

Materials Needed:

  1. alphabet poster (optional)


  1. Students introduce themselves: What is your name? - My name's Anna.
  2. Then students line up in the alphabetical order (A to Z). If there isn't enough room in the classroom, students can form a circle.


  1. More advanced students can be asked to add an adjective in front of their names.

    Ex.: I am a smart Sandra. I am a funny Mark.

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Names A to Z

Great for practicing introductions, asking questions, alphabet

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