Snowball Fight

Written on . Posted in First Day of Class Games.

Times viewed: 2647

Language Practice: asking questions, answering questions

Language Level: Intermediate, Advanced

Age group: 10 and older

Time: 20-30 minutes

This is a very interesting activity that you can do with your ESL (language learning) students on the first day of class.

Materials Needed:

  1. paper
  2. pencils


  1. The teacher asks students to write on a full sheet of a paper a question that they would want to ask people in class in order to know them better. Depending on the level of the students, the teacher can encourage them to write interesting and unusual questions. So, students with limited skills can ask questions about age, favorite color, hobby, friends or family. As for students with more proficient language skills, they can ask questions on favorite school subjects, things that the person values in other people, their native country's interesting holidays, etc.
  2. The teacher divides the class into two growps (by counting out 1 and 2, picking a card/stick with a certain color, etc.). The two groups stand in the opposite ends of the class.
  3. The teacher asks students to fold the paper with their questions into a ball and invites them to throw their paper at the other group. Students should be advised to avoid throwing the paper balls as high as the face. Thus students start the "snowball fight".
  4. At a certain signal the teacher stops the games and asks students to pick up one of the balls and go to their seats.
  5. When all students are back in their seats, the teacher invites the students to open the balls (one at a time), read the question on that paper and answer it.

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Posted in: Vocabulary Games
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